Remote Control Dice Tactics For Guaranteed Wins

Remote control dice are loaded unequally to promote certain outcomes. The tops and bottoms of a die could, for example, be cut.

It’s a kind of cheating that requires considerable amount of experience and expertise. However, it could give the player an advantage. It also undermines the exploration aspect of the game.

1. Deployment options

The most important factor to be aware of when planning your next deployment is what enemy units has in reserve. Based on the mission, you may not be able to get LOS to all of them. However, it is important to plan for the possibility that they’ll be deploying at least one unit within their rear arc. This might block your Alpha strike even if they’re in a central location.

It is best to have your models positioned centrally and make sure they are all able to threaten the opponent. Furthermore, don’t try to seize the initiative, unless you need to do so – it’ll not take you longer than a single turn but also negate the benefit of your reserves at a later point in the game.

It is advised to counter this by deploying a large number of weapons with high power and high counts, such as Vendettas (high-power weapons with high counts), AC/HB Baal Predators (high-power weapons with high counts), Longfangs (high-count weapons) and Havoc Squads. They can fire in high volume at a distance and are among the greatest threat to enemy units. It is particularly the case for armies known to be shooty, like Dark Eldar or IG. However, even footsloggers, like HB Havoc Squads or the rifleman dreads can pose a significant threat if put on the board in the early stages of the game.

2. Distances to be measured

It’s not always possible to take on your adversary to the punch. However there are times where it’s possible. If you see the Furioso Dreadnought coming out of the pod from some distance, you must take it on. It’s dangerous, but your opponent won’t be able to predict the outcome (unless they were able to predict that a pod would drop, which is illegal in a competitive setting).

Of course, you can even go higher than this. With our Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice (our best-selling product) you are able to choose the exact number of dice pip which will result from each roll. This is accomplished by the inclusion of a 3-D rhombohedron inside the dice and sealed with mercury instead of iron powder. This gives the player complete control with every one-time roll of the dice. It’s a great method to make sure that the odds are always in your favor!

3. Defensive Methods

In a well-played game players will consider the stack movement and attempt to influence it. It’s also important to consider defensive tactics when attempting to attack a territory. If you’re deploying an offensive profile in the case of, say, your ground units come from multiple powers and you believe that an Allied player will send a lot of troops to defend a particular territory, you may think that it’s worth it.

4. Rapid Deployment

It takes many hours of practice before you master the control of dice. Even the most committed controlled shooter admits that their skills can be impaired by physical conditions or fatigue.

There are fortunately, quick solutions to increase the chances of your dice-based game going in your favor. One of them is the best-selling Lucky Mercury Loaded Dice. Mercury is used to replace iron powder on these dice. Mercury is able to move freely, giving you total control of each roll. These dice are also referred as loaded dice or fixed dice craps.